Thursday, March 11, 2021

Open Letter - Green Bay's Free and Fair Elections

Organized by members of UWGB-United, the faculty and staff union at UW-Green Bay.

Dear Wisconsin State Legislature,

We the undersigned state that, to our knowledge, the administration of the 2020 General Election by the City of Green Bay was performed lawfully and with integrity.

We are proud of Mayor of the City of Green Bay, the over 700 poll workers, the National Guard, and City staff for running a robust and transparent election in November that resulted in a historic 84% turnout. We fully support Mayor Eric Genrich's leadership and look forward to future elections running as smoothly as the one held in November.

We denounce efforts by the extreme right wing Wisconsin Empowerment Foundation, outside agitators, and Republican state legislators' spreading of disinformation. Their continuing assertion that Green Bay's election was mishandled is baseless. These lies undermine public trust in elections, have wasted tax payer dollars and put our democracy at risk.

We extend our gratitude to the Mayor, City of Green Bay staff, poll workers, and volunteers who ensured that the citizens of Green Bay could participate in a free and fair election.

URL to sign Open Letter